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second hand shopping


Second hand Rose, with pride.

March 20, 2014


I’m wearing second hand hats
Second hand clothes
That’s why they call me
Second hand rose

Unlike what Barbra Streisand’s song might say, there is nothing wrong or sad about buying second hand. I do it frequently (hello Ebay, my old friend) and would do it more often if I wasn’t trying to avoid shopping.

There are several things to be said about second hand shopping:

  • It is fun, nothing like the thrill of the hunt for bargainous stylish wares.
  • You find items that no one else will have.
  • If you buy vintage, chances are that the fabrics and the way thy are sewn are a lot better quality than what you can buy nowadays.
  • It’s good for the environment, as there will be less used clothes going to the landfills and less pollution produced as a result of constantly making new items.
  • Tends to be cheaper.

I don’t always get to find everything I like or that fits my vision for a style second hand but I always try it first! #secondhandfirst

I have in the past shared many outfits that included second hand items. Here’s a small selection for your enjoyment.







Was that so bad?