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Floppy hats and bell bottoms

April 14, 2014


I’ve always thought the 70’s got too much of a bad rep. Yeah, sometimes the home decors were a bit too brown and some clothes a bit over the top and in a bad way. I still don’t think we should throw away a whole decade because of a few faux pas. I mean, why do we think we are so stylish? I always wonder what our descendants will say about the see-through legging trend… I sincerely think it’s a lot worse than many of the 70’s styles. When I look at the Cholas by Irregular Choice (worn below), all I can think of is 70’s. Look at them and at the amazing shoe adverts below. Aren’t they amazing?


PicMonkey Collage

PicMonkey Collage

PicMonkey Collage

PicMonkey Collage


To what I believe was my workmates amusement and giggles, I wore this 70’s style ensemble to the office, complete with the I-can-barely-walk shoes. I still like the outfit though… Mind you that I had to keep the hat in place with my hand as the wind never stopped. I realized that is why I rarely wear it!

Details: Hat – H&M (also worn here), Shirt – Stradivarius, Furry vest – Primark (also worn here), Green Jumper – Zara, Cords – Vintage White Tab Levi’s, inherited from my great aunt, Bangles – Poundland (classy, I know), Bag – traditional “choukaras” bag from Morocco worn as a clutch, Shoes – “Cholas”, by Irregular Choice


There’s a funny story about this bag. When I went to Morocco I decided I wanted to try and find a bag just like the one I’d been playing with at my grandparent’s when I was a kid. It was a bag someone had brought back from Morocco for my Mum back in the 60’s but somehow I have no idea what happened to it. It didn’t take too long. One day as I was walking down the souk I found it and of course, I had to get it.


Yup, they’re real white tab Levi’s.

How about you? Do you like 70’s style?


Thrift shop

May 27, 2013

I’m gonna pop some tags
Only got twenty dollars in my pocket
I – I – I’m hunting, looking for a come-up
This is fucking awesome

Macklemore – Thrift Shop

 This silly song should be the thrift/charity / op Shopping anthem. You don’t believe me? Check out some more of the lyrics:

They be like, “Oh, that Gucci – that’s hella tight.” I’m like, “Yo – that’s fifty dollars for a T-shirt.” Limited edition, let’s do some simple addition Fifty dollars for a T-shirt – that’s just some ignorant bitch (shit) I call that getting swindled and pimped (shit) I call that getting tricked by a business That shirt’s hella dough And having the same one as six other people in this club is a hella don’t.

Poetry, right? haha. Anyway, I wish I could go to good thrift stores / charity shops more often.  One of my latest finds is, I think, from the 70’s and cost me £1 from Age UK. They’ve been doing a pound shop recently and they rarely put up anything retro but this one must have escaped the no old clothes policy they seem to have.

Expensive car, cheap clothes.

Deets- Dress – probably 70’s, thrifted at AgeUK, Carnaby Boots – Irregular Choice, via Ebay, Bag – Ahcahcum Muchacha, Coat – Zara (swap with Lili), Cardigan – Zara (sale),  Big Ass Beads – Thrifted from British Heart Foundation, Wooden Bangles – thrifted from several charity shops. If you look at the nails you’ll see that I’ve done them in several colours, in the outfit’s colour scheme 😀

I is classy, posing in ASDA.

Have you made any special finds recently?