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Art – Inktober 2016

November 1, 2016

What is Inktober?

It’s a drawing challenge, lasting the whole month of October, where you create an artwork every day. There is a list of prompts to use and the only rule is that you must use ink. This is but only one of the drawing challenges running on Instagram over the month of October. It was the first time I’ve ever done anything like it and I enjoyed it a lot! Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to always publish a doodle on its set day but I managed to complete the challenge and do all 31 doodles.

If you fancy seeing all the bits I did, click to go after the jump!

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Cat people are nice people

September 26, 2014

One of these evenings, on FB chat:

Undisclosed friend – Last night I met a girl who doesn’t like cats, I think I’m in love.

Me – Who’s that. (checks profile) She seems nice, although she can’t be if she doesn’t like cats.

Everyone knows I am a cat fiend (even though lately I’ve been warming up to dogs quite a lot too) and I’m frequently made fun of because of this. If you’ve been following this blog or my Instagram feed, you’ll know the cat related items that I have in my closet are just silly… So yeah, I admit it. I’m a crazy cat lady and pretty sure I’ll be one of those desperate cases when I’m older – living with a gazillion cats, discovered half eaten by them after a few weeks after passing away. Great image, I know. I think I may be reading too many gruesome sections of the newspaper… (Hey, it could be worse! Could be reading the horoscope or something!) So, how do you recognise a crazy cat lady?

– Her clothes will always have some sort of car fur residue.

– Pulls out her phone to show pictures of her babies at any chance.

– Refers to her cats as her babies. Even if she has real ones.

– Is frequently seen carrying bags of cat litter or cat food around town.

– Her house is filled with cat related items – super kitschy ones at that too.

– Has several cat themed outfit items in her closet.

– Will stop at any shop that has cat related items in the window to at least have a good look, even if they’re of extremely bad taste (I have excellent bad taste, by the way).

I may be or may have been guilty of some of these, as I am not able to have any pets at the moment. Which is a shame, but maybe one day I’ll have a cat again! Anyways, why do I like cats so much? What is it about them that makes so many of us go total cat crazy? Some have put forward the theory that it has something to do with some weird parasite that takes control of our brains. “Alien” does spring to mind. Super scary shit!

I like to think that it’s because cats are beautiful animals, and unlike some people think (who clearly never had a close cat friend in their lives), extremely devoted to their human friends. No wonder people who live on their own choose them as pets so much – they are independent yet great fun to play with. They are cuddly, like a bit of petting and love curling up close to you when you’re at home, without being too demanding (in most cases). Also great animals to help you reduce your stress levels. Oh, and they are sooo beautiful… did I mention that before? Ooops… Must be the cat craziness parasite affecting my brain.

Despite what others who are not so cat infatuated might think, we are lovely people (and highly dateable it would appear, even if it’s told by cats). We are loving and very lovable yet independent, just like our feline friends, and I can’t think of any reason why I should be embarrassed of being a crazy cat lady.

How about you? Are you a crazy cat lady? If you are, why do you love cats so much? Chime in on the comments section!

PS: Illustration by me!

Pure London overview

February 14, 2014

Last weekend I attended Pure London, the UK’s main fashion trade show, where brands and designers show their wares to potential buyers and stockists. It’s a professionals only event and I was invited to come and see what was going on by Mod Dolly, who was showing AW14/15 at the New Brits section, supported by the UK Trade & Investment. This event was held at the Olympia and saw thousands of people come and go.

Mod Dolly’s lookbook for AW14/15. I’ve seen the whole collection and trust me, there are some yummy pieces in it! Here’s a sneak peek. Ssshhh, don’t tell anyone.

Bicycle print and sequins – my eyes always get drawn to these things!

Bursts of colour everywhere.


Pure London

The most unusual shoes in the whole show by Julian Hakes. Shoes designed as a work of engineering/ architecture. I’d love to try them on.

Met two lovely ladies for the first time – Adora from Adora Mehitabel and Tara from The Style Rawr. We all did a fun photo at Blogbranch‘s photobooth.

<b>My favourites:</b>

There were a few Portuguese brands showing their wares at the event and my favourite was Ruga – lots of colour and the boots below: both of them are gorgeous, the glitter and the furry ones…. and I was told they had them in more colours. Oh dear… there goes my bank account…

Snarling lips by MissCo Girl – attitude! Taking the lips purse to the next level.

Olivia Burton‘s vintage inspired watches.

Thanh Cong Vu Studio – We’ll be hearing more about this up and coming designer. His gowns are absolutely gorgeous…

My absolute favourite bag of the day- The cat bags by Larissa K. I will have to own one. Not only they are cute but they’re also versatile, as you can exchange the flaps! What a great concept and very nice ladies – I even saw the photos of the cats the bags were inspired on. Swoooooon!!!!

As we are on the subject of cats: how amazing is this collar? The other side has little hearts too. I nearly died when I saw it and all the cat themed items from Sugarhill Boutique! I’m sure it’ll be selling like hotcakes – all my friends loved it too!

The Zatchels pastel satchel bags… I’d like one of each please, for each day of the working week. they look great and they’re made in the UK!

I think I should also mention Nooki Design. I ended up not taking a photo, which was really silly of me but I got so distracted by the cuteness of their bunny clutches that all rational thoughts were just gone. click on the link and you’ll see what I’m talking about…

I hope you liked this little tour as much as I enjoyed the event.

Have a great weekend!


The cats of Morocco

January 20, 2014

You go to the souk, cats. You walk down the street, cats. You sit down to eat outside, begging cats. Cats, cats, everywhere cats. It felt like paradise! Of course I had to take load of pictures of them. Here are some of the best. Enjoy!

“Come on, push your leg higher! No pain no gain!”

Snoozing cats are also a main theme on here.

It was the very first time I’ve ever seen cats begging at the table like dogs.

Some of he cats look dirty and scruffy but they always look well fed, happy and relaxed.

Any place is good for a bit of a rest. Even a scooter.

Little kitteh, sat outside the fabulous Topolina shop. More on that very soon!

I’ve never seen cats ‘talk’ so much like they did in Marrakech. As you will see, I have several photos of cats with their mouths open. They’re not hissing or being unpleasant, just being vocal in asking for attention and cuddles.

Move over Hans Silvester, I can take cool photos of cats with blue backgrounds too!

 What’s better than one cat? Two cats, that’s what!

Stretchy stretchy!

I don’t know what this little one was asking for. After all these years I still haven’t mastered catuguese.

Ginger cat (another one).

“Yes, I’m tucked away here, with the rest of the merchandise. I’m a very organized cat.”

“What have you got for me, buddy?”

I can see the ZZZZZ coming out of his little head.

A very regal lady, at the Saadian Tombs.

“Whatcha lookin’ at?”

Cat naps can be taken anywhere.

“Hey, give me some of that good looking fish! I’m waiting!”

Happy cat.

This little lady reminded me so much of my cat Biryani it was uncanny. She was also very sweet and we clearly took a shine to each other as she didn’t leave my side the whole time I was sat there.

This one could be titled War and Peace.

This post is getting a bit too long, I need a nap.

 Kitty says bye!

I hope you enjoyed these – they were all taken in Marrakech and Essaouira. I have lots of posts to do about Morocco but I’ve been putting it off as I am a bit under the weather at the moment. I will try to do it asap, little by little. Have a lovely week!

You might also like: Our First Day in MarrakechMorocco OutfitsThe Hotel Toulousain, William Burroughs and I