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Crafts Magazines – a review

April 17, 2014


I rarely buy crafts magazines these days, because much like Pinterest, I think ‘that is amazing, I need to make it’ and that’s pretty much it. Recently I came across these two magazines in the supermarket and they caught my eye. I have seen Molly Makes before but I don’t really buy it because the projects are cool but most of them I’m not too interested in making. However this clothes DIY special edition sounded a lot more interesting. . The other one, Daphne’s Diary is brand new and I was curious to see what it was all about, so I brought them both home.

Molly Makes – DIY Fashion special edition

I loved this magazine. I just did. It’s colourful, it has the right amount of retro inspired articles and it features a few bloggers and other creatives. The clothes style is quirky and the project ideas are simple and easy to make. I really like the design as it is simple and makes the colourful photos really pop out.




Daphne’s Diary – a magazine full of inspiration and style

The contents of this magazine are a lot broader and go from gardening, recipes, interior design, some DIY, all with a vintage shabby chic vibe. Some articles are really interesting – like the one on Bucovina Easter eggs, I own a few that I brought back from Romania years ago and I was pleasedto read a bit more about them. I like the variety in the magazine and its style, although I find the design too busy, too many twee cutesy items decorating borders that really didn’t need to be there.




Do you usually buy crafts magazines? If you do, what would you recommend?