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Crystal Castles


We Style… Crystal Castles

February 15, 2013

Andrea from Teetoo and I decided we wanted to do something fun together a while ago. Life does tend to get in the way sometimes and it took us a few months to actually get off our arses and plan something concrete. As we have an ocean between us we decided that the best way would be to collaborate on the blog! So here it is, what we hope will be a regular feature. We both agree on a theme, style it our own way and post it on our blogs, bam!

For this occasion Andrea suggested Crystal Castles, as it is a band she tells me she has become fond of after I posted about them here. As Andrea tells me she has tickets to see them live in Toronto, I imagined what I could be wearing if we went to the show together… I went on youtube to get some inspo and watched a couple of their videos and looked in my closet… I wanted to wear something that not only evoked what the band themselves wear but also what the music conveys to me – their sound  is bouncy and danceable but also dark at the same time. Some people do interpretative dance, we create outfits – to each their own! So this is what I came up with:

Pleather jacket – H&M, Long blackwool dress – Vintage Jaeger, thrifted from Age UK (remember this?),  Totally Mental Rainbow Flatforms – Office outlet on Ebay

I took these photos last Sunday and tried to look as cheerful as possible under the chill and the rain (see the raindrop on the lens on the first photo? The things I do for the love of art haha). Can’t wait for Spring to take photos under the sun, skip over the daisies and the green grass with the cute bunnies and have the birds come dress me every morning. Oh wait, that was Cinderella.

So yeah, this is our first project together. What do you think we should be interpreting through our clothes the next time? Any suggestions/requests?