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Easter eggs


Happy Easter!

April 4, 2015

This week I was pleasantly surprised when a chocolate Easter egg landed on my desk courtesy of Dragonfly Tea. When I cracked it open I was surprised to find some extra treats inside – a few new tea flavours for me to try: Swirling Mist, Emerald Mountain, Cape Malay Chai and Golden Himalaya. Thank you Dragonfly Tea for the lovely gift.


I wish you all a lovely Easter, filled with chocolate, tea and fluffy bunnies!


Adventures in glitter

April 18, 2014

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Classy ladies will tell you that glitter makes everything better. Just look at Pinterest: the number of boards dedicated to everything glittery is bonkers. Adding glitter to anything magically turns drabness into fabulousness! For this reason, I decided to finally try my hand at it, with a simple project. I was inspired by Easter and thought I’d decorate some eggs, for the first time in my life.

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I purchased some plastic eggs from Amazon, got a few random pots of glitter and a huge bottle of PVA glue and got to work.

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I saw somewhere, possibly on Pinterest, that the best way to cover eggs is to dip them in glitter, with the help of a bowl.

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That kind of worked, although I had trouble maintaining an even surface on the eggs. Next time I will try mixing the glitter in the PVA and see if that works better for me.

Here’s a rundown of some tips on working with glitter that I learned from experience or pick up around the internet:

  1. There are differen types of glitter, as some are bigger than others. Make sure you pick the right one for your project.
  2. The best adhesive is PVA glue. Always add an extra layer of adhesive on top of the glitter, to seal it all in and avoid flakiness.
  3. To avoid the extreme messiness that comes with glitter, make sure you store it in sealable containers, or you’ll be vacuuming glitter from your carpet over the next foreseeable months.
  4. To avoid scattering glitter everywhere while completing projects, fold a large sheet of paper in half and crease it well. Flatten it back and use it under your project. When you’re done, fold it again and pour all the stray glitter back into its container.
  5. Be patient and wait for the glue to dry, or you’ll end up with a very uneven surface. I learned that the hard way.

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Ta da! Half a dozen plastic eggs, made fabulous, courtesy of glitter. Do you have any tips of your own?