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Fairytale Asylum


The Tattoo Files

October 18, 2013

I am inaugurating today a new feature on the blog –  about real people with tattoos.

Emma is a talented photographer whom I met when both attended the Blogcademy blogging seminar and I was immediately fascinated by her tattoos (and her hair colour!). Good thing it didn’t take much convincing to be featured, so you all get to see her fab body art. I shot some pictures and sent her a few questions. I hope you enjoy this.

Name, Age, Location

My name is Emma North, I’m 31 years old and live in sunny Aberdeenshire in the North East of Scotland.

When did you get your first tattoo and what was it?

My first tattoo was when I had just turned 18, it was a weird lily kinda thing on my shoulder but it now looks like a yucky blob so I will need to get it reworked at some point.

Which one is your favourite?

My favourite tattoo….. that’s a tricky one but it is probably my nightmare before christmas full sleeve as my son Jack (the pumpkin king) loves the film (so do I) and because Tim Burton partly inspired me to attend art school.

Do you have any that you regret? (If so, why?)

I don’t regret any of my tattoos as they are part of me and who I was at the time I got them… like a visual walking diary.

Any plans for acquiring more art?

I have lots of plans for new ink in the future but I would really like to get a compass on my chest with the north pointing towards my heart for my husband… as our surname is North.

Places where you can find Emma: website Fairytale Asylum ,facebooktwitter ,instagram