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My last day in Florida

February 18, 2013

On my last day in Florida we did some shopping – we found a couple of charity shops near Sarasota when we went looking for a different place to eat. On our way back home we decided to stop by one of the many State Parks you can find on the side of the road in Florida. This time it was the Oscar Scherer State Park.

 It was a great idea, as the place was nice and the weather was sunny, making the trek around the lake a pleasant and relaxing experience.

Bug dress – Forever 21 (from a shopping trip to the mall a few days prior) ; Shoes – Zara ; Necklace– present from Mr D’s Grandma.

Hubby was looking good in his skinny jeans, 70’s vintage shirt and Clark’s shoes.

By this time I was already sad about having to leave the next day and we ended up having some good moments there. As there are camping facilities in the park, next to the lake there was an activity room and as it happened, there was a group of people playing music, just jamming and singling along. It was very pleasant and as we were about to leave they started playing ‘Rock me Mama like a Wagon Wheel’, a song Bob Dylan drafted and was finished by Old Crow Medicine Show and also covered by the more popular Mumford and Sons. It’s a song about travelling across America and see the loved one. We just stopped and listened and that moment stuck in my mind and the song gained a lot more meaning. Just go listen and you will understand.

On the way out I saw a little cardinal bird. Although it’s been for a long time one of my favourite birds I had never seen one up close as they don’t live around here. It made me very happy and it was a great way of ending that day. I tried to take a closer photo but he wasn’t having any of that.

The next day I got back to England with happiness for the good times we had but also a lot of sadness in my heart, as once again we will have to spend a few months without seeing each other. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to it.