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Week in photos

April 7, 2013

Today is Sunday and time for another weekly roundup of what’s in my phone. I decided to change the format a little. What do you think?  I’ve been thinking about changing things a little around here and try to avoid huge posts you have to scroll for hours to read. Let me know your opinion.

So…. last Sunday I went to the movies with Filipa and Daniela and watched The Host. Whatever you do, don’t bother with it. Filipa and I were both sleeping at some point. It’s slow, pointless and they drag the non existent plot for 2 hours too long. In the end we were making jokes and giggling as otherwise the pain would have been too excruciating. Daniela is now forbidden from picking a film for all of us to watch for a while hehe.

I wore the forest print dress I got from Primark and a little bird ring I got from Matalan years ago, as no forest is complete without a little birdy.

One of my favourite badges ever. Daniela and I wearing shoes from Office we both got from Ebay.

This week Iain took me to the stables to see the horses to cheer me up. It worked. This rude horse kept sticking his tongue out at me. I think he just wanted treats.

Chicken gang.

Horse footsteps. First rays of sunlight I’ve seen in a while.

This old girl came around asking for some cuddles. Of course I obliged. There were some ponies around. They’re so cute 🙂

The lovely heart trousers and Jeffrey Campbell shoes. This is what I wore yesterday, on my way to visit Curtise of The Secondhand Years in Sheffield.

Waiting for my train in Doncaster. After a walk around charity shopping we went for a couple of drinks and lots of talking.

On my way back I saw the sunset. Possibly the first one I’ve seen properly in months. The quote is from a magazine I was reading on the train and that was said by Jessica Alba.

Hope you are all having a good weekend!