
Hello 2012!

January 1, 2012

Does everyone have their new years resolutions listed and ready to go? I thought that for the first time I should think about what I would like to accomplish in the next 12 months. I know that the new year is always full of good intentions and most times all this goes down the drain after a while. But I also know that visualizing what you want can be a powerful tool and also that you only fail if you set yourself impossible goals. Over planning can be stifling but not having at least an idea can be dangerous. Time goes by and you find yourself in the same place for too long…

Mine are very simple and attainable:

Create and post more art – decided to start just now and doodled the above. (I need to thank my friend Carol for letting me borrow her scanner.)

Carry on blogging, with better quality and mostly self created content. I don’t want to have a blog that merely re-posts and copies whatever is being published in magazines.

Continue and improve on my exercise and diet plan – 2012 will be a healthier and more energetic year!

Carry on being happy and pursuing my dreams. Sometimes fear and comfort can be our own worst enemies and we need to take risks to find your own path.

“You can’t punish yourself into change.
You can’t whip yourself into shape.
But you can love yourself into well-being.” 
– Susan Skye (via Angeliska)

Many good things are in store for next year 🙂

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