This weekend I attended the Blogcademy event. This was an event organized for people who are interested in taking their blogging to the next level and become pros at it, regardless of blogging as a support for a business, to gain revenue, etc.
We had Kat Williams of Rock n Roll Bride, Shauna Haider of Nubby Twiglet and Gala Darling of Gala Darling as our headmistresses. And why? Because these ladies know what they are doing and talking about. They have managed each in their own way to turn their blogs into their livelihoods and become leaders in their niches. The course was very informative and delivered in a very sparkly way.A friend who saw some of the photos commented he wasn’t sure I was having a meeting or a party. I told him that it was a bloggers seminar, it had to look and feel like a party!
I have to say that taking these #selfies with the pros made me realize I need to practice the blogger face a bit more, haha.
Kat getting involved.
I am glad I decided to enroll in the course because it really made a difference. For me it provided some structure and allowed me to organize some ideas in my mind about what I was already doing with my page and where I want to take it. I have now decided what I am doing with it and it’s a great feeling. Also getting some feedback from the pros (and mostly good) was an amazing confidence boost. Now I know I am not as bad as I thought I was and I know what areas I need to focus on, instead of having to worry about EVERY single detail. This has freed me from some of the pressure I have been putting on myself and it felt amazing. All of this was delivered along with servings of cake, sweets, and a fantastic goody bag with bunny ears from Crown and Glory (remember I interviewed Sophie here?) and a glittery stars necklace from Head Full of Feathers among other fabulous items. We can’t forget about the cute photobooth either!
One of my favourite things was meeting with like minded individuals who are mostly on the same page. Sometimes it is really hard to find people with whom we can discuss this blogging business, as most of our friends either don’t give a rats arse about it or don’t know what we are babbling about. I am happy to say I made some new friends and we are definitely keeping in touch! (Plus there were many ladies with amazing coloured hair. I think I’ve never seen so many in the same room at the same time!)
Tina of I Love Lotta and Jocelina from Pink Chocolate Break. These two ladies flew in from Switzerland and Holland to attend the seminar. Respect!
I also made my own goody bag, to give to my fellow blogcadettes and I was chuffed to see that everyone liked it. I made some illustrations, stuffed them in a pink envelope along with some gold star confetti, along with a business card and put it in my own tote bag, now also available to the general public. (If anyone is interested just drop me a line).
Lydia of Lydia Linnea modelling my bag.
I came back home with a brain full of ideas, totally over stimulated and with a new boost of confidence. And you know what? It really worked because yesterday I was offered my dream job. This really has been a week of wonders!
Great post Sara. Congrats on the dream job! Do tell? Jodie x
I don’t know a single one of those fabulous ladies or their blogs but it looks like a great time was had by all! xxxx
that sounds like it was a really good (and fun) meeting. You got great pictures. I keep checking to see if there is ever something similar done in my city, but so far, no luck. I’ll keep looking.
And a big congrats on being offered your dream job. That’s fantastic.
What a brilliant experience, Sara.
I would have loved to meet you, and feel the atmosphere .
Most of the people in my life are not very interested in blogland either, sooooooooooooo
I shall check them
Parabens linda com a tua promocao!!! Nao me surprendo porque es uma estrela e foi uma prazer enorme te conhecer!!! Ficamos em contacto e quando voltar pra londres te ligo
Hi Sara!
Nice pictures and really good summary of our weekend. It was SO GOOD to meet you and I am happy we keep in touch! Jocelina and you made the weekend even MORE worthwile!
Love to you!
I’ve sort of been neglecting my blog lately and might need something like this to help me refocus my goals… Everybody in these pics look so fun!!
AWESOME!! Rock n Roll bride was my go-to site when I was planning my wedding four years ago (and Offbeat Bride). So cool! I want one of those HTM totes!