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The Best of the Month – April 2015

May 1, 2015

The month of April is now done and dusted and it feels like I haven’t been able to accomplish much. Life hasn’t been the easiest this past month – in terms of health and mood. Thankfully the weather seems to be improving and the sun brings a lighter perspective on things (how did you like that turn of phrase?). Anxiety and stress have been plaguing me as of late and I am coping the best way I can, by eliminating sources of tension and finding hobbies to make me happy. Sometimes the brain plays tricks and distorts reality and it’s terrible when it does so in such a negative way, like a mirror in a funfair house of mirrors.


I have now taken up embroidery and if you follow me on Instagram you will have seen some of my attempts. I am now anxiously (of course) awaiting the delivery of the colouring books I just ordered. It would appear to be a new fad, colouring books for adults as everyone seems to have discovered how relaxing colouring can be. I’ve been doing it for years, being a failed artist and all, but now I can do it on fancy books. Result!


To relax and get my mind of work, I also read stuff around the internet, some more serious than others… Here’s a selection of the best of the month, along with some photos I took on the London Underground. Enjoy! (And if you have any suggestions of things to do that are relaxing, please leave me a comment).

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My 3 Travel Destinations Bucket List

April 26, 2015
Japan copy

I love traveling and to be honest, I don’t do near enough of it to satisfy my wanderlust. Joe Blogs challenged their bloggers to create a 3 destination bucket list and I had to take it. It wasn’t easy to pick just 3 places that I’d like to visit, but I thought that if I picked the top dream destination and two others that are more realistic, could be fun – actually, I have already purchased tickets to go to one of them in June!

So, are you curious to know where I’d like to go? One of them you might have guessed already…

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Guest Post – Travel plans – Southeast Asia

April 8, 2015

You guys know I like to travel and I hope that is one of the reasons why you enjoy reading my blog. If you’ve been doing it for a while, you may have noticed that I haven’t been doing much of that lately, especially since I moved to London. I am not sure what my travel plans will be in the future but I think that any travel plans will be interesting, right? My friend Filipa (you may remember that she used to do all my outfit photos when I lived back in Grantham) is planning a trip to South East Asia and I thought that hearing about her plans would b somehow useful and interesting. I challenged her to create a couple of guest blog posts about this adventure she is embarking on and I’m very happy she has accepted it.
This first blog post is about the reasons why she is going travelling, there will be more with details on hotels and places to visit. Enjoy!

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