

Book Review – The Mismade Girl by Sasha Grey

May 7, 2018
mismade girl

I believe that by this point Sasha Grey dispenses any further presentation – she is one of the few adult stars that made a transition into “mainstream” culture and doesn’t seem to have suffered from her previous career choices. (I am particularly fond of a music project she collaborated with, aTelecine).

If you’ve been reading my blog for long enough, you will know that this is not the first time that I review one of Ms Grey’s books. The first in the trilogy was called The Juliette Society and you can read my review here.

I have to confess that I didn’t get to read the second book in the series but the publisher Cleis Press was kind enough to send me a copy of the third and final title in the trilogy, “The Mismade Girl”. Don’t let this stop you from picking up this tome – there are enough references to the previous happenings for the story to make sense.

The main character of the series, Catherine, is now a well-known journalist who gets offered the scoop of her life by a powerful man, Mr X. I don’t want to give too much of the story away in this review so I’ll leave it at that. I will instead say that Ms Grey has a very fertile imagination when it comes to risque situations! Another aspect that I enjoyed about the book is how BDSM is portrayed – Ms Grey knows what she is talking about and has many reflections on it throughout the book. It’s inevitable not to mention the 50 Shades of Nonsense book, as unfortunately, it’s still the most popular book on the subject, that perpetuates a lot of misconceptions – even recently, a new film in the series came out and I didn’t bother to watch it but this review is not only hilarious but also says all you need to know about what is wrong with it.

Anyway and going back to the book at hand, I think that the author’s writing has matured and while there are still a lot of thought wanderings about all sorts of things like relationships, sex, etc, they didn’t feel as shoehorned in as much as in the first book. This was an enjoyable piece of erotica and a great read to make those intolerable commutes in London a little bit more tolerable.

To purchase your own copy of The Mismade Girl, go here. 


Art – “Pound£and” at Blue Goat Gallery

February 27, 2018

After a few months of preparation, it finally happened: I had my first solo show in Berlin, at Blue Goat Gallery. This was a show organised in collaboration with Boner Magazine, the largest +18 free magazine in circulation in Europe (if not the world).


The work created for “Pound£and” was based on materials from Boner Magazine (and other titles from the same publisher) and it is meant to be a fun approach to sex and porn, as well as a celebration of sexual freedom.

However, as the work was being created, it was shared on social media and it had the effect of uncovering a feeling of discomfort (and subsequent censorship), particularly around the images containing any suggestion of gay sex. This appeared in stark contrast with other imagery produced previously, featuring the female form, which faced no backlash.

That has opened other avenues that will no doubt be explored in the future, focusing on freedom and resistance to censorship in art. This is a subject that I intend on writing about further in the future. For the time being, enjoy some of the images from the show!

Many thanks to Carmen and Sandra at Blue Goat Gallery for letting me show at their space and also to Boner Magazine for all the support and friendship – plus the double page feature and all the promo! Also thank you to everyone who came and partied along with us, we had a great time!

Continue Reading…


Life – Goodbye 2017, hello 2018

January 12, 2018

It might be a bit of a cliche’, to write year overviews and all that but considering that I haven’t been looking after this corner here as well as I have in the past, I thought it would be worth doing it, even if only to remind myself of all the good things that happened in 2017. While a lot of people complain that it’s been a horrible year, I honestly think that I can’t complain too much – sure, there have been challenges but when isn’t life challenging?

This overview also comes a bit late (January is well underway) but I have been working without days off for a few weeks… after being ill. UGH! Better late than never, that’s what I would say.


2017 has been a very eventful year… I managed to get a lot of things done and I’m happy with what I see when I look back. So, what have been these amazing things that I’ve accomplished last year? Here’s a list, that’s not exhaustive but comprises the main highlights.

  • left full-time employment – due to my health and after last year’s burnout, the thought of corporate life induces mild ptsd symptoms in me.
  • been the poorest as a result – but I’ve learned to live with less and spend my time and energy on more creative endeavours.
  • stopped taking anti-depressants – I’m poor but happier!
  • got into several group shows – been showing my work all over London and in New York.
  • got my first solo show – and it was fairly successful, as many friends came and it was a lot of fun
  • met amazing artists – that I can now consider friends.
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  • went streaking with a friend down Millenium Bridge on a warm Summer night – don’t ask, but it was a lot of fun
  • found love – after kissing a few frogs after my separation and divorce, I think I have finally found the most caring and supportive partner one can ever ask for
  • became a stepmum – said partner came with a readymade family and they’re super cool!
  • worked on very interesting projects – one of the good things about working as a freelancer is the opportunity to work on several different things, which has provided me with more knowledge and more skills
  • turned 40 – damn, I’m old
  • still cancer free – possibly the most important item on this list!

(does my butt look big in this? Yes, yes it does.)

2018 promises to be an equally eventful year, and there are a few things that I’m looking forward to:

  • my solo show in Berlin – my efforts to go international are paying off and managed to organise a show that will happen next month
  • spending time with A – we have a lot of fun stuff planned for the coming year, including a holiday back home in Portugal with the children
  • blog some more – I miss blogging and I want to do at least one post per month, mostly to support my practice
  • spend less time on social media – it’s a great vehicle to connect with likeminded people and to promote my art but considering what has been happening in general plus the level of censorship artists face (I’ll have to write about the silly episode I was part of), going back to self publishing is the way to go
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  • no shopping – not having lots of money means less shopping and I’d like to do a year of no shopping, as I still have enough clothes and shoes that fit me to last me a few years
  • continue decluttering – I’ve posted about decluttering a lot in the past few years, I know. It seems that it just never ends but I’m seriously letting go of a lot of things, to make more space for art materials, etc.
  • continue creating and improving my art – an ongoing project for the rest of my life, I suppose!
  • continue cancer free – not a lot that I can do towards this goal except take my meds and keep an eye on how I feel but it’s nonetheless something to look forward to

I’m sure that a lot more could be said but I don’t want to bore my readers too much.

Some of the clothes I’m wearing in this post have been courtesy of Simply Be – the jeans and the long black shirt. I’m actually loving my new jeans and I think they fit rather nicely on my butt – no one wants ill fitting jeans, right?

Many thanks to A for taking the outfit photos – in true blogger’s boyfriend fashion!


Art – Some new work…

November 19, 2017

I haven’t been posting much as I have been busy trying to sort out my life – paying bills and creating art and more opportunities to show, etc. I have left the life of having a full-time job for the time being as I couldn’t cope anymore and I am doing some work as a freelancer plus picking up odd jobs here and there. To be honest, I’ve never felt better… albeit a bit tired after days in which I end up walking 11 miles…

Recently I hit my busiest time as an artist, having work in four art shows at the same time, including one in Brooklyn New York. So happy! Hard work pays off and it’s certainly starting to pay. Looking at my art CV, I will have participated in 14 group shows and 2 solo shows by the end of the year. Many more will be happening next year, including a solo show in a Berlin gallery. Pretty cool!

One of the shows I have put up recently (and is still up until next month) has been “Call Me”, at Number 90 Bar in Hackney Wick, via The Number Gallery.

The pieces included in this show are calling cards I have found in phone boxes around London, to which I’ve given the Hello the Mushroom treatment. The idea behind it is to be a bit cheeky and poke fun at beauty standards and what is considered sexy in our culture.

Here are some of the pieces for your enjoyment:





You can see (and buy) all of the pieces at The Number Gallery website.

If you’re looking for girls curtains, they’re to be found somewhere else… (don’t ask)


Life – My post-cancer frozen egg dilemma

July 17, 2017

It’s been a while since I’ve written anything remotely personal on the blog but today I thought I needed a bit of a vent. Not about art or London or anything but about egg freezing and all my emotional turmoil around it.

It’s quite a current issue, with many articles popping up in the last week about why women are freezing their eggs. This morning as I read through another one of those, I was nodding along in agreement with the points the writer was making. Women my age (and younger) freeze their eggs not just because they’re insensitive bitches who want to put a career at the top of their priorities but also (and this number is growing) because it’s fucking hard to find a decent partner. Eva Wiseman put it very well in the aforementioned article and you can read it here.

I’m painting you the picture of where this is going, so bear with me. As I was reading said article, I felt dismayed, a bit emotional and to be honest, a little bit sorry for myself. I’ve been on my own for a while and to be honest I prefer it to having to deal with abusive and controlling partners like I have in the past, but that doesn’t mean that it’s the ideal situation. The older I get the more cynical I get so even though there is always a glimmer of hope, that flame goes dimmer and dimmer as time passes.

It was a shock to the system in many ways then to receive a phone call some 15 minutes later from the clinic where my own eggs are being stored asking me for payment. You see, I froze my eggs back in January 2016 following my cancer diagnosis and was given that option, as I was not going to be able to reproduce for some good 5 years, until the all clear was given for cancer and I am no longer on hormonal medication to control the resurgence of said cancer (whom I’ve baptised “Tim the Tumour” as some of you might recall). Back in December, these eggs were then transferred from Hammersmith Hospital to a private clinic, I don’t recall why nor do I recall any mention of payment in the letters requesting authorisation for the transfer.


Like I said, reading this article this morning made me feel a little bit emotional – probably due to being hormonal, as women frequently do on that time of the month or even the fact that I’ve recently stopped taking my SSRIs, as I’m trying to experiment living without them as I’ve been a lot happier recently. I got even more emotional after I put the phone down from that phone call, as a torrent of thoughts went through my mind.

The reality is that if it wasn’t for the NHS offering to subsidise the egg freezing in the first place, I wouldn’t have gone through with it at the time, as reproductive medicine is ridiculously expensive and these clinics are obviously running a business. Now after having had my finances and career turned into a shambles for the good part of last year due to illness, I’m still suffering the side effects and consequences and my bank account hasn’t gotten any fatter since either. I am currently unable to work full time (not because I don’t want to but because my body doesn’t have enough energy for it) and have taken a massive pay cut. I love my current job, which is great but that’s not enough to pay any expensive reproductive medicine bill I might be getting through the post… I explained the situation to the lady who called me, who was very understanding and asked me to send her an email explaining the situation – they will have to investigate, she said, as they will have to at least look into what’s happened. Considering the state of bureaucracy and lack of communication between institutions in this country, I wouldn’t be surprised if they aren’t aware of my medical history or have filed my paperwork incorrectly. My recent dealings with the Department of Work and Pensions and the National Insurance people are nothing but a good example of the rampant incompetence in these governmental organisations but that is a story for another time.

I have yet to write that email, as my immediate response to that phone call was to break down crying. If I can’t afford to pay for them now, what was all that pain and suffering for? At the time I was given that option and I took it because I didn’t want to let cancer make a decision for me and those who know me well know how much I hate being forced into something I don’t want to do. Another reason why I froze my eggs was because I was in what I thought at the time a good and long term relationship with someone who had expressed an interest in the possibility of having kids. How wrong was I as I was unceremoniously dumped the day before the egg collection treatments were to start as it was too much to deal with. Well, sorry for having cancer and having to think about and make decisions about all these difficult things. *sarcasm*

Anyone who’s been through these treatments can tell you that they’re like going through one of Dante’s circles of hell and adding to that the emotional pain of a breakup, I’m surprised I didn’t go insane. Or maybe I did, I just don’t know anymore! Imagine being hormonal x100, as what you’re doing for the best part of a couple of weeks, is injecting yourself with massive amounts of hormones, so eggs can mature and be ready for collection. Add to this internal scans every few days that have had the effect of making you feel violated in your body and spirit. Not nice.

I thought I had come to terms with the idea that I’ll die alone and will be eaten by my cats but it looks like there’s still a lot to be said about it. Emotions are always like this, they creep up on you when you least expect it and cause chaos. I don’t have a particular attachment to the eggs themselves: when I signed all the paperwork, I ticked the boxes allowing the eggs to be donated or used for scientific purposes. I hope that at least that still remains an option, otherwise all of this would’ve been in vain.

Thinking about the possibility that the eggs that I suffered so much for and precipitated the end of a relationship are just going to be flushed down the toilet is a bit too much to bear. By the way, it needs to be said that I am well aware that the relationship would probably have had the same outcome, just at a different time (it or he just wasn’t right?). I am even shocked that I feel this way. I’m not even sure about having children myself but once again having to make a decision precipitated not by my own timing but other external conditions is making me relive everything again. Having to consider this possibility is bringing all that pain back for me and I am having to take a step back to process all of it. I’m sure I’ll be fine in the end, but like Morrissey says, “these things take time.” In the meantime, I’m going to send that email and see what happens.