art, London

London – Street Art Photography Walk #LumiaStreetArt

August 21, 2015

If you’ve been following my blog for long enough or at least on social media you will have noticed how much I appreciate street art. There’s just something about it that has always fascinated me, something that started years ago when I still lived in Lisbon. It’s not like I’m an expert, but I know when something catches my eye or appeals to my sensibilities.


When Microsoft invited me over on a street art tour of East London, to try out the Nokia Lumia 930, I really couldn’t say no. We all gathered at Shoreditch High Street station and started our tour from there and had Karim from Street Art London as our tour guide and Phil Hebbert as our mobile photography teacher.

PicMonkey Collage


By Hottea






A one point in the evening we stopped for dinner at Pizza East, to load up on some energy before we went out into the night to see the rest of the tour.



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I loved the tour – Karim is knowledgeable and will give you insights on some of the pieces that will go unnoticed when you just walk past them, such as who made them, when, some background into the artist, etc. Fascinating.





I was well impressed with the quality of the camera on the Lumia phone. All the photos on this post were taken with the phone and I haven’t done any editing on them. I tried to do some different types of photos and take advantage of some of the phone’s features – white balance control, flash, etc. The day was a bit grey and rainy and even so most of the photos still look fairly crisp and bright. I would be curious to try it out on a brighter day.







The only downside to this phone, though is the fact that software developers aren’t producing apps for it as much as for iOS or Android, which makes a lot of difference to the end user. However, the quality of the photos is some of the best I’ve ever seen taken by a camera phone. Come on developers, get your act together! We want phones with great cameras and awesome apps too!




PicMonkey Collage

Apologies for the photo spam – I took so many photos and all the art is so amazing, I had trouble picking them… I did my best though!

Thank you, Microsoft and Talented Talkers for the fantastic evening, it was a blast!

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  • Reply Connie* August 22, 2015 at 01:02

    I just love when you wander around shooting street art. And this was one of your best. What a good, if somewhat grey day.

    • Reply Mrs. D August 23, 2015 at 14:44

      Thank you 🙂 I wish I could do it more often…

  • Reply Claire August 22, 2015 at 17:09

    Loved your take on the evening – you got some great shots!

    • Reply Mrs. D August 23, 2015 at 14:44

      Thank you! I’m going around to yours to see if yours are up too 🙂

  • Reply Honey @ The Girl Next Shore August 24, 2015 at 08:47

    Wow, those photos ARE amazing!
    Oh, and your shoes… <3

    Honey x The Girl Next Shore

  • Reply Franca August 25, 2015 at 20:39

    These are great, love streetart!

    • Reply Mrs. D September 15, 2015 at 20:08

      Thank you! I had a lovely time!

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